
Denmark's largest news site for pensioners of all ages.

About's purpose is to select and publish news in a language that is accessible to their target group, which is the elderly population and pensioners in Denmark. also sends out newsletters with relevant articles on a regular basis. is owned and operated by Media Group Denmark

About Media Group Denmark

Media Group Denmark is an association of Danish online media that wants to maximize earnings by giving professional advice and utilizing their strong community. In addition to helping with increasing earnings, Media Group Denmark also help with traffic optimization.

The case

Pensionist needed a content management system that could enable them to easily make changes to their front page layout design. Furthermore, they depend on advertisements on their site performing well. To increase advertisement performance, they need to be able to move advertisements around according to where they perform best in relation to reach. This is where Publiczr's builder became particularly relevant. The builder is very easy to use and the user can make quick changes that take effect immediately.

A growing media

In March 2022 Pensionist joined Publiczr's platform. Today has more than doubled their visitors to their site. They have monthly more than 300,000 visitors.