
Great stories and informative news for everyone in Norway to enjoy

Media Group Denmark

Dagens.no is operated by Media Group Denmark, which is the largest Danish independent media house. They do an impressive job of generating traffic on their large portfolio of sites they are managing. These sites include Dagens.dk and Nyheder24 which have millions of visitors every single month.


Dagens.no is the Norwegian sistersite of the Danish success story Dagens.dk that has existed for more than 10 years, bringing millions of people entertaining news stories from all over the world.

Now everyone in Norway will be able to enjoy great stories, and informative news about a lot of different topics, of course brought to them at all times and every weekday.
Victoria Holmes, CEO Media Group Denmark
The collaboration

Dagens.no former used a Drupal solution, and in close collaboration with Media Group Denmark's technical staff Publiczr has taken care of the migration of the site.